CitizenAid - Helping Others and the Law

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Legal Protection for Good Samaritans in the UK

UK law protects members of the public who offer assistance during an incident, including multi-casualty events. The Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015 provides a legal framework for such situations.

Key Components of the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015

The Act is divided into three main parts:

  1. Social Action: This covers situations where the alleged negligence or breach of duty occurred while the person acted for the benefit of society or its members.
  2. Responsibility: This applied when the person demonstrated a predominantly responsible approach towards protecting the safety or interests of others while carrying out the activity in which the alleged negligence or breach of duty occurred.
  3. Heroism: This concerns cases where the alleged negligence or breach of duty occurred when a person acted heroically by intervening in an emergency to assist an individual in danger.

Good Samaritan Protection in English Law

English law is reluctant to penalise people attempting to help others in emergencies. The law makes provisions for the actions of good samaritans, providing protection unless their actions were grossly negligent or worsened the situation.


The Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015 protects members of the public who offer help during incidents, ensuring that those who act responsibly and heroically are not penalised for their actions.