Course introduction

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2 min 38 sec
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Welcome to the citizenAID Instructor Upgrade Online Course

About the Course

Teach citizenAID Courses as an Instructor

Join ProTrainings to upgrade your skills as an instructor and gain the ability to teach the citizenAID range of courses. Please ensure you have the required equipment, including three citizenAID Tourni-Key Plus, three citizenAID Pocket Guides, and two Moggy's Coming books. If you do not have these items, choose the Plus package of this course or purchase them directly from our store. You will be required to provide proof of equipment prior to approval.

Course Structure and Features

Flexible Learning and Interactive Videos

Throughout this course, you will have access to a series of informative videos, knowledge review questions, and a short completion test. Pause and resume the course at your convenience, and easily navigate back to where you left off. Revisit any videos during and after the course. The course is fully compatible with all devices, allowing you to seamlessly transition from your computer to your smartphone or tablet. Pin the video to the top of the screen to simultaneously view the video and read the accompanying text. Each course page provides detailed text content to further support the video, and subtitles are available by clicking the CC icon. Additional help is provided if you initially answer any questions incorrectly.

Support and Certification

Comprehensive Assistance and Recognized Certification

Upon successfully passing the completion test, you will receive a completion certificate, a certified CPD (Continuing Professional Development) statement, and an evidence-based learning statement for printing. Easily validate your certificate by scanning the QR code. The course homepage offers numerous resources and links to further support your training. We continually update our courses, so check regularly for new materials. Even after passing the test, you will have access to the course for eight months from the start date. For companies, we offer free company dashboards to facilitate staff training. Contact us via email, phone, or online chat for more information on our company solutions.

Ongoing Support and Additional Services

Stay Updated and Explore our Product Range

Throughout your training, we provide continuous support. You will receive weekly emails to keep your skills fresh and inform you about newly added videos to the course. You have the flexibility to choose whether to receive or unsubscribe from these emails at any time. In addition to our training, we offer a wide range of first aid and medical products for purchase.

Enjoy your citizenAID Instructor Upgrade course, and thank you for choosing ProTrainings. Good luck!