Overview of citizenAID by Keith Porter

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Empowering the Public with citizenAID

Origins and Mission

Discover how citizenAID aims to empower individuals to save lives.

The Beginning:

  • Founded in January 2017, citizenAID was born out of the need for a public-centric approach to emergency response.
  • Events like the Westminster Bridge attack in March 2017 highlighted the urgency of empowering civilians to act effectively in crisis situations.

Basic Training for All

Understanding the importance of basic first aid training.

The Mantra:

  • citizenAID's mantra is simple: while formal training is beneficial, anyone can make a difference without it.
  • Improvisation is encouraged, ensuring individuals feel empowered to act with or without formal training or equipment.

Key Skills:

  • Emphasizing simple yet critical actions like opening airways and controlling bleeding.
  • Transferable skills applicable to various emergency scenarios, from bombings to car accidents.

Preparedness for Any Scenario

Equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools to respond effectively.

The citizenAID System:

  • An accessible app and pocket guide provide step-by-step instructions for emergency response.
  • Training and resources are available for free, encouraging widespread adoption.

Practical Training and Community Engagement

Efforts to educate and engage the public in life-saving techniques.

Educational Initiatives:

  • Development of tailored training materials for schools, organizations, and communities.
  • Collaboration with partners like St. John Ambulance to expand reach and impact.

Building a Culture of Preparedness

Fostering a proactive approach to emergency response.

Community Engagement:

  • Encouraging public participation through awareness campaigns and training programs.
  • Highlighting the role of civilians as first responders in critical situations.